Channel: wollomombi – Old news from Armidale and New England
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Beef Cattle Urged As Sideline


Friday 10 April 1953, The Sydney Morning Herald

Beef production could be increased very perceptibly if wheatgrowers, and wool growers in a small way, ran a few head of beef cattle, said Mr. P. A. Wright, of Wollamumbi, near Armidale, yesterday.

Mr. Wright is a former president of the Graziers’ Association of N.S.W.

He said that wheatgrowers and some sheep men had been inclined to resist the suggestion, because they believed they would have to fatten the cattle.


But the real problem was what to do with the cattle between weaning time and fattening time.

The breeder did not want them at that stage, and the fattener in the south did not want young cattle.

What was required was a system by which wheatgrowers, and smaller woolgrowers, would take a few head of steers each, and run them for six months in the year.


This would fulfil three functions: (1) Breeders would be able to run more breeding stock; (2) more cattle would be brought to the fattening stage, and (3) the fattener would be provided with cattle at the age and stage he required them.

Mr. Wright said that to induce men not running cattle to participate in the scheme as a sideline to their principal interests, a way would have to be found to get young stock to them at a price which would show them a profit.


Mr. W. J. B. Murphy, principal beef cattle officer of the Department of Agriculture, said that the trade wanted a small carcass to dress out at 650lb, or a little more.

It was shown at the Sydney Royal Show that an 18-month steer would yield a carcass of that weight if fed properly.

Therefore it was not necessary for a middle man to handle the beast.

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